Cobb County voters can now apply to vote absentee in the November 2021 election. Many had applied too early under new elections laws recently passed, and those applications were rejected,
- All precincts will have an education SPLOST question on the ballot.
- Precincts within incorporated cities will also have municipal offices on the ballot.
- Voters must register to vote or update their address by Oct. 4 at MVP.sos.ga.gov.
- Voters may submit an absentee ballot application only between Aug. 16 and Oct. 22.
- Absentee ballots will be mailed to voters beginning Oct. 11.
- Voted absentee ballots must be received by Cobb Elections staff before 7 pm on Nov. 2, 2021.
- Ballots can be returned by postal mail, or
- hand-delivered to the ballot box inside the Cobb Elections office, or
- hand-delivered to any early voting location during voting hours.
- In a pilot program, Cobb Elections staff will also accept voted ballots at certain libraries starting on Oct. 25. A schedule of dates, times, and locations will be published soon.
- Early voting will begin on Oct. 12. A schedule of dates, times, and locations will be published no later than Sept. 27.
For questions and for more information, visit cobbcounty.org/elections, email info@cobbelections.org, or call 770-528-2581.