Smyrna Birthday Is Aug. 2

Banks-and-Shane-photo-with-logoSmyrna is celebrating its birthday with music, a party, fireworks and even cake on Aug. 2

The festivities will be from 6 – 10 p.m. on the Village Green and the event is free.

Waller, a 3 piece Americana band from Decatur, takes the stage first, followed by Banks & Shane, Atlanta’s favorite band.

Celebrate the birth of Smyrna with family and friends. High-energy music, festival foods, birthday festivities, a GIANT birthday cake by McEntyre’s Bakery and a kids entertainment area and fireworks at the end add to the excitement.

Want to get public safety announcements during the main event and traffic messages during and after the event? Go to and sign up to receive messages.

The City of Smyrna concerts are Litter Free events. Keep Smyrna Beautiful will have recycling bins next to the garbage bins throughout the concert area for all concerts. You can recycle your glass, plastics, and aluminum cans. Thanks for helping us keep Smyrna clean, green and beautiful. For information call 770-434-6600.