Smyrna Library Offers Reading Program

Summer Reading is for all ages at the Smyrna Library. This year’s theme is science, and activities include a multitude of hands-on STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and math) crafts, activities and projects.

Children’s Summer Reading Program for Babies to incoming 5th graders is Fizz! Boom! Read!

Pick up a reading log and events brochure for reading incentives to keep you reading and active all summer.

Special events include magic shows, reptiles, origami, LEGOs and more. See the program brochure or the Library’s online calendar for all the details.

Young Adult Summer Reading Program, ages 12-18, is   Spark A Reaction. Pick up a “Spark a Reaction” bingo board now. The grand prize for the Young Adult drawing is 7″ Google Nexus Tablet! Complete a bingo board for a chance to win. Or attend a TEEN TUESDAY event for an additional chance to win.

For details on TEEN TUESDAY events, visit the Library’s online calendar.

Adult Summer Reading Program for Adults aged 18 and older is Literary Elements. Anyone may participate in the program, but only Smyrna Library Cardholders are eligible to win prizes in the drawing for a 7″ Google Nexus Tablet.

Pick up a “Literary Elements” punch card at Smyrna Library and accumulate five punches and enter your card into a drawing of prizes. Alert a Library staff member whenever you have completed a task, and he/she will punch your card. Pick up another card and start over again for more chances to win!

The Library has many events planned for adults this summer. Visit the Library’s online calendar to get full details about each event. In honor of this summer’s theme of science, adults will also be treated to a series of MAKER MONDAY events. Let loose your inner “maker” and join us for these fun crafts, activities, movies and discussions.