March Calendar

14: COMMUNITY GARDEN Kick-off Meeting at 10 a.m. March 14 at Quick Tax Professionals. Grow fresh veggies and new community connections in MIC’s Historic Mableton Community Garden. The kick-off meeting is a great place to get started!

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17: TEEN TIME: UPCYCLED REUSABLE BAGS. Tuesday, March 17 6:00-7:00 p.m. Smyrna Library, Meeting Room RSVP: Upcycle kids tees into reusable shopping bags. Bring required school documentation if volunteer credit is needed.

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18, 25: INFANT & TODDLER STORY TIME (0-2 year-olds). Wednesdays, 10:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. March 18, 25 Limited to 25 infant/toddlers. Smyrna Library.

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19, 26: PRESCHOOL STORY TIME (3-5 year-olds) Smyrna Library Thursdays, 10:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. March 19, 26.

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20:  WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH BOOK DISCUSSION. Discussion:  Why They Marched: Untold Stories of the Women Who Fought for the Right to Vote  by Susan Ware. Friday, March 20 from noon – 1 p.m. Smyrna Public Library, Meeting Room. Discussion will focus on chapters 1, 2, 6, 7, 17, 18, 19.  Open to the public.  Bring a sack lunch. Drinks and dessert will be provided.

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21: MABLE HOUSE SPRING ARTS FEST from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. MARCH 21. Discover the arts and artists in our own backyard at the Mable House complex on Floyd Road. The festival features an artist market, artist demos, a chalk competition, tours of the historic Mable House, food trucks, a beer and wine garden, and live performances throughout the day.

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.21: DOCUMENT SHREDDING EVENT. One of our most popular events already has a spring date! Keep Smyrna Beautiful’s document shredding event provides a safe and secure way to shred and recycle your documents. This event is free to community members and is a great way to kick off spring cleaning!  The event is Saturday, March 21from  9 a.m.-noon at Church Street Park, 884 Church Street, Smyrna.

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22: ST. BENEDICT’S FRIENDS OF MUSIC RECITAL Sunday, March 22nd at 6:00 p.m. at St. Benedict’s Episcopal Church on Atlanta Road. “Awakening: A Song Cycle of Lullabies” will feature soprano Tory McKenna and dancer Frances Mulinix. All ages are welcome.

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24: JONQUIL GARDEN CLUB . March’s presentation will be presented by Kristin Androvic, from Floral Creations a family owned florist in Smyrna.  Kristin will be talking on floral arrangements and wreath designs. The March 24 meeting will be held at Smyrna Public Library, 100 Village Green Circle, Smyrna.  Meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday of each month (Sept-May) from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Each meeting includes information on horticulture and a presentation that will enhance your knowledge of gardening. New members are always welcome. Jonquil Garden Club includes members from novice to master gardeners. For additional information visit our website at or call our president, Lorelei Clapper at 404-786-8440.

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BOY SCOUT TROOP 61 meets every Monday night at 7:30 p.m. in the Troop Lodge at Bethany Methodist Church at the intersection of Hurt and Hicks Roads. Cub Pack 61 meets Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. in the Bethany Gym.

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BOY SCOUT TROOP ONE meets every Sunday at 4:30 p.m. New Scouts Welcome! 2845 Log Cabin Drive, Smyrna (off Atlanta Road).

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SMYRNA BOY SCOUT Smyrna Boy Scout Troop 11 meets at Smyrna First United Methodist Church every Tuesday evening 7:30- 9 p.m.  Contact us at 770-883-1123. Website:

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BOY SCOUT TROOP 220 meets every Tuesday Night at 6:30 p.m. at Life Church Smyrna Assembly of God located at 4100 King Springs Road (right next to Griffin Middle School). For more information see our website

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GIRL SCOUT TROOP 625 (K – 5th Grades) meets every Monday night at 6:30 p.m. at Austell First United Methodist Church. 6th Graders meet 2nd / 4th Saturdays at 2 p.m.. Contact us @470-377-2221 or
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THE LORD’S STOREHOUSE sponsored by Shaw Temple AME Zion Church provides free of charge clothing, small household items, canned goods and toiletries to needy families, individuals and shelters. We also accept donated items in gently used and clean condition. We are located at 775 Hurt Road, SW, Smyrna Ga. and are opened Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday from 10 am to 1 pm. For Info call the church at 770-801-8185 or contact at Church open Monday – Thursday 10-8 p.m.

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JONQUIL CITY KIWANIS SMYRNA: 10 a.m. Tuesday, Wolfe Senior Center, 884 Church Street, Smyrna.

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SMYRNA OPTIMIST: 7 a.m. Friday, American Legion Post 160, 160 Legion Drive, Smyrna.

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SMYRNA ROTARY: noon Tuesday, Brawner Hall, Smyrna. For further information, see

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SOUTH COBB ROTARY: noon, Thursday, Presbyterian Village, East-West Connector

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SOUTH COBB TOASTMASTERS Tuesday at 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. South Cobb Regional Library, Mableton 678-799-4425.

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TOASTMASTERS: Interstate North Toastmasters at 3100 Cumberland Boulevard. We meet every Monday at 6:30 p.m. Visit our website:

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TOASTMASTERS: T-Toasters. Paces West, 2727 Paces Ferry Rd., Bldg 1. We meet Wednesday nights at 6 p.m. and welcome visitors. Visit to find out more.

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VININGS CUMBERLAND ROTARY: Noon on Wednesday, The Georgian Club, 100 Galleria Pkwy #1700 Vinings.

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THE GALLERIA WORLDSPAN Wings Toastmasters Club Tuesdays 12 to 1 p.m., Building 300, main conference room.

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SMYRNA BUSINESS EXCHANGE: The Smyrna Business Exchange is Smyrna’s premier close contact networking group representing over 30 local businesses (and growing).  The Smyrna Business Exchange meets at the Smyrna Community Center every Thursday morning from 7-8:30 a.m. Questions or to RSVP for a complimentary visit, call Jeff Daxe at 770-795-5079 (or email at

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AMERICAN LEGION, Post 160. Membership Meeting at 7:30 p.m. every 3rd Tuesday. The AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY, Unit 160 Membership Meeting at 7:30 p.m. every 3rd Tuesday each month.  SONS OF THE AMERICAN LEGION, Squadron 160 meets at 7 p.m. on the first Tuesday each month. All of these meetings are at 160 Legion Drive, Smyrna. For more information, access or call 770-436-2501.

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AMERICAN LEGION POST 264, 6251 Ivy Road, Mableton meets every third Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. Bingo–Mon, Tues, Friday 8 p.m., Sat. 5 p.m. and Sun. 4 p.m.

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ATLANTA FREETHOUGHT, Regular Meeting at 1 p.m. every 2nd Sunday. 4775 N. Church Lane, Smyrna (a mile inside I-285, just off Atlanta Rd). Our historic building was a church in Smyrna/Vinings for 141 years. We’re a nonprofit educational organization and meetings/programs are free and open to the public. Call 678-662-3857 or visit our website,, for more about us.

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GREATER ATLANTA BEGONIA SOCIETY meets monthly at Cochise Riverview Club, 3773 Cochise Dr., Vinings. Meetings are held on the 3rd Saturday of each month (Feb-Nov) from 1 p.m. to 3. Each meeting includes information that will enhance knowledge of propagating and growing begonias. Membership includes from novice to master gardeners. Join us and see how much satisfaction and fun can be added to your gardening experience. For further info call Sharon Oliver at 770-617-1101

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BUSINESS GROUP. The West Metro Atlanta Woodard Group meets at 6pm EST at the South Cobb Diner on the 4th Thursday of each month. Woodard Groups provide opportunities for small business advisors and business owners to network with other to foster cooperation, strengthen relationships, and leverage mutual opportunities for mutual support and referrals. For more info check out our Facebook group at this link

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COBB-MARIETTA RETIRED EDUCATORS ASSOCIATION meets the second Thursday of each month. The monthly luncheon is held at the

First Methodist Church in Marietta at 11:30 a.m.  For more information visit

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CUMBERLAND VININGS OPTIMIST CLUB: Meeting for breakfast the 2nd Wednesday of each month at the Vinings Club, 2859 Paces Ferry Road NW. We are an inclusive club dedicated to community service and welcome everyone to come as our guest to a meeting of your choice.

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GARY HILL NETWORK monthly networking luncheons are held at 11 1 p.m.. on the 3rd Thursday of each month at different locations. Call 770-438-6961 for more information. November 21 is at McCray’s Tavern, 4500 West Village Place, Smyrna.

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KIWANIS CLUB OF GREATER SOUTH COBB meets at noon the 2nd and 4th Tuesday each month at O’Charley’s 4130 Austell Rd, Austell GA 30106. Call 770-438-6961 for more info.

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KIWANIS CLUB OF SMYRNA meets every last Wednesday of the month  Noon  to 1 p.m. at  Provident Village  at Creekside, 4838 South Cobb Drive, Smyrna.

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MOMS Club of Smyrna West: For stay-at-home or part-time working moms, we have added to the elementary school districts served in the Smyrna area: in 30080 and 30082 zip codes AND any of the following school districts: Smyrna Elementary, Norton Park, King Springs, Nickajack, Teasley, Belmont Hills, Green Acres, Argyle, and Russell. We offer morning and afternoon weekly playgroups and activities. For questions about our club or if you are interested in becoming a member, please contact us directly at

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MOMS CLUB SOUTH COBB. Do you ever feel like you are the only at-home mother who stays home? If so, you are not alone! Come meet other moms and kids at the MOMS CLUB of Austell and Mableton! We meet monthly and would love to meet you and your kids. If interested in attending, contact us, 770-841-8631 or

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NEWCOMERS CLUB OF COBB COUNTY meets the third Tuesday of each month September through May at 10 a.m., John Knox Presbyterian Church, 505 Powers Ferry Road, Marietta.  Please join us for fun activities and new friends or contact us at

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SMYRNA STITCH-IN GROUP meets at 4:30pm the first Monday in the class room at Hobby Lobby, 1355 East-West Connector, Austell. If you like to cross stitch, do crewel work, needlepoint, etc and want to meet women in the area, please come join us.  Contact Holli Hallmark at

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SONS OF CONFEDERATE VETERANS – The Gen. Leonidas Polk Camp meets on the 4th Thursday of each month (except for Nov, Dec, & Jan) in the meeting room at the Piccadilly Restaurant, 536 Marietta Pkwy S, Marietta. We begin gathering at 6 p.m. for socialization and dinner followed by the meeting at 7 p.m. For further info contact: Jack Williams at 404-256-4208 or

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SOUTH COBB HOMESCHOOLERS.  Are you a homeschool parent in need of support?  The South Cobb Homeschool Support group meets monthly at the South Cobb Regional Library at 805 Clay Road, Mableton. If interested in attending email us at or call 404-644-8391. Visit our website at

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SOUTH COBB LIONS CLUB meets the 1st and 3rd Monday evenings 6:30 p.m. of each month at the South Cobb Community Center 620 Lions Club Drive, SW Mableton. Contact: South Cobb Lions Club: Phone 470-554-2128 on Facebook South Cobb Lions Club or email

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VININGS VILLAGE CIVIC CLUB meets the first Monday of each month September through June at 6:30 p.m. at various locations around Vinings. For further information, e-mail us at or visit our new website: Members and Guests are welcome.

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CANCER SUPPORT GROUP, The Star Group To help patients and their families feel more hopeful and less alone through the mutual sharing of thoughts, feelings, and concerns related to living with, and surviving cancer. Fourth Thursday of each month at Noon. (A light lunch is served) WellStar Cobb Hospital Magnolia Room Group leader: Raymond Coffman Please call 770-732-3780 to RSVP.

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OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS now meets at Ridgeview Institute, Room 8, 3995 S Cobb Drive, Smyrna. Mondays 7 p.m.

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Smyrna Parkinson’s Support Group meets at 2 p.m. on the fourth Wednesday of each month, January through November at the Aline Wolfe Adult Recreation Center at 884 Church St., Smyrna, GA  Phone: 678-631-5541.The facilitator is Carl Proctor  Email: Contact: 404-275-9383. Smyrna Parkinson’s Support Group Membership is free to Parkinsonians, care partners, family members, medical professionals and other people whose lives have been touched by PD. We are grateful to the Aline Wolfe Adult Recreation Center for providing our meeting space.

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RECOVERY INTERNATIONAL Self-help support group for stress, anxiety, depression, etc. Meets every Saturday at 10 a.m. at St. Thomas the Apostle Church, 4300 King Springs Road SE, Smyrna, in the old rectory next to the church. Contact Alicia Garcia at 678-665-5233 for more information.

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REFORMERS UNANIMOUS (RU) is a Christ-centered addictions program that meets every Friday at 7 p.m. at Westside Church located at 4900 Floyd Road, Mableton next to Walgreens. RU helps adults find freedom from addictive behavior. Call Westside Church at 770-948-0121 for more information or see

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E-mail your organization’s calendar news to Deadline for MARCH issue is FEBRUARY 23 with publication the week of MARCH 5. Calendar items are accepted from civic groups, non-profits, schools and church organizations and run as space is available. Due to the increasing number of calendar listings, please keep announcements brief. Please do NOT send calendar announcements in flyer format. For more information about submitting calendar items or other news, contact us at 770-426-9388 or by e-mail to Find updated calendar items on our website at

From the December 2019  issue of The Bright Side, Cobb County Georgia’s Newspaper covering Smyrna, Vinings, Mableton, Powder Springs and Austell, GA.

WellStar Cobb Celebrates 50 Years

WellStar Cobb Hospital, one of the premier healthcare providers offering top quality, community-based professional healthcare services to the residents of Austell and South Cobb communities, marked the 50th Anniversary of its opening on June 3.

What began as a 50-acre peach orchard is now a nationally recognized campus for hope and healing with 382 licensed beds and 2,200 staff members who care for more than 104,000 patients annually. From the first patient treated 50 years ago, to the millions seeking care and comfort since, WellStar Cobb Hospital continues to fulfill its founding vision of being there for patients every minute of every hour of every day.

“For 50 years, this hospital has been a proud example of what a community can accomplish when they come together for the better of all,” said Callie Andrews, president of WellStar Cobb Hospital. “This year isn’t just a celebration of the hospital and our team, but also for the surrounding communities as we reflect on what we’ve been able to accomplish together. As we look toward the future, we will continue the hospital’s legacy of focusing on patient experience and quality care to create a healthier, hope-filled community.”

No history of WellStar Cobb Hospital would be complete without recognizing the tireless dedication and support of Charles “Pete” Wood. From his participation in 1962 as founding Trustee of the Hospital Authority of Cobb County, to his leadership as Chairman of the WellStar Board of Trustees, Wood gave freely of his talents and time to ensure quality healthcare for Cobb County residents. WellStar Cobb Hospital’s Therapeutic Horticulture Garden – completed in 1993 for recovering patients and their families – was dedicated and renamed the Charles “Pete” Wood Garden in 2000 to honor him for his many decades of service.

The 50-year history of the hospital is filled with many milestones, most notably its merger with Kennestone, Douglas, Paulding and Windy Hill hospitals in 1993 to form a robust health system, Northwest Georgia Health System, Inc. On March 6, 1998, the name WellStar was introduced as the umbrella for these community hospitals. The words “Well” represent the mission of providing for the health of the community, and “Star” represents leadership, innovation and commitment to excellence.

“WellStar Cobb Hospital has a longstanding history of providing high-quality healthcare services focused on improving the health and wellbeing of the individuals and communities served. For the past 50 years, the physicians, caregivers and team members at WellStar Cobb have strived to exceed the expectations of our patients and consumers by creating an outstanding hospital and medical community that has expanded and thrived,” said Candice L. Saunders, president and CEO of WellStar Health System. “We are excited to celebrate this milestone and look forward to building upon our legacy as the healthcare partner of choice for greater South Cobb and its surrounding communities.”

Dedicated physicians work hand-in-hand with nurses and others to bring the best in modern medicine at WellStar Cobb Hospital. The hospital offers several exemplary programs, including a recently renovated burn and wound unit, a state-of-the-art cardiac program and women’s center and a leading cancer program that will have a new facility unveiled in late 2018.

“Physician leadership was instrumental in the hospital’s early history,” said Thomas Gearhard, MD, family medicine for WellStar Cobb Hospital and member of WellStar Cobb regional health board. “Dedicated medical staff provided family care, delivered newborns and served those in need in Cobb County where healthcare services were warmly welcomed in 1968. As the hospital has grown, it’s always enjoyed a close relationship with the community, through local governance, staff outreach, vibrant volunteer support and events.”

From the July 2018 issue of The Bright Side, Cobb County Georgia’s Newspaper covering Smyrna, Vinings, Mableton, Powder Springs and Austell, GA.

Tickets On Sale For Blue Jeans Gala

If you ever have to dial 911, what do you expect to be the outcome? Professionals with the highest level of expertise and professionalism to respond. The Smyrna Public Safety Foundation (SPSF) is dedicated to support the professional endeavors of the public safety agencies within Smyrna and is dedicated to improving the quality of life for those who live or work in the City of Smyrna and surrounding communities.

The 2018 Blue Jean Gala is Aug. 18 in Wallace Hall at Adventure Outdoors, 2500 South Cobb Drive, Smyrna. The title sponsor is The Charyn Darby Foundation. This event is different from others in the community because it allows attendees to spend the evening with our local heroes and all funds raised stay here in the Smyrna community to promote and support the many important initiatives of the Smyrna Fire and Police Departments.

“We strive to ensure that each police officer and firefighter is qualified, trained, and equipped to perform at the highest levels of professional standards,” said Barb Allen, executive director of the Smyrna Public Safety Foundation.  “Funds raised at this year’s Gala will be dedicated to funding some critical training and equipment that is outside their operating budgets.”

Annually, the SPSF sponsors the Smyrna Public Safety Awards and Recognition banquet where these Heroes are recognized for their exemplary service to the community. In December, the SPSF teams up with the Smyrna elementary schools and takes youth on a shopping spree for the Shop with a Hero event.

Make plans now to attend the Annual Blue Jean Gala. Ticket price includes live entertainment, dinner and beverages. There will be numerous unique raffle items as well as silent auction items, many which are experiences involving public safety.

At this event you are encouraged to dress casual (jeans and your favorite accessories are totally acceptable). There will be a photo booth available where you can memorialize the event.

For more information and purchase tickets, visit the website at,  send an email to, or call 404-791-6935.

From the July 2018 issue of The Bright Side, Cobb County Georgia’s Newspaper covering Smyrna, Vinings, Mableton, Powder Springs and Austell, GA.

Smyrna Sets Memorial Day Ceremony

The City of Smyrna will hold its annual Memorial Day ceremony at the Twentieth Century Veterans Memorial, 2800 Bank Street (between Smyrna City Hall and the Smyrna Library) on Monday, May 28, at 9:30 a.m.

The event and parking are free and open to all.

Scheduled speakers are Lt. Gen. Steve Arnold, US Army (Ret) and Gunnery Sgt. Victoria Turney, US Marine Corps (Ret).

The ceremony will feature the Georgia Army National Guard Band, Campbell High School JROTC, and the US Air Force Honor Guard.

Military equipment displays will include current and vintage military and security vehicles and weaponry, a US Marine Patrol Boat, H3 Hummer, and other attractions.

Long after the guns have fallen silent and the bombs stop exploding, the children of our fallen warriors will still be missing a parent. Spouses will be alone. Parents will grieve.

“It is for these heroes and the men and women of the US Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard training or in harm’s way to protect our freedom that we gather on Memorial Day,” said Linda Hedrick of the Smyrna Veterans Committee.

This year’s sponsors include, The City of Smyrna, Smyrna Veterans Committee, Veterans Memorial Association of Smyrna, American Legion Post 160, Northwest Speakers, Smyrna Rotary Club, Jonquil City Kiwanis, Chick-fil-A of South Cobb, and JWC Real Estate.

In case of inclement weather, the ceremony will be moved to the Smyrna Community Center.

From the May 2018 issue of The Bright Side, Cobb County Georgia’s Newspaper covering Smyrna, Vinings, Mableton, Powder Springs and Austell, GA.

Vinings Hosts Business Expo March 21

The Vinings Business Association will host its eighth annual Vinings Business Expo on March 21 from 4-7 p.m. at the Hotel Indigo Atlanta Vinings Hotel, 2857 Paces Ferry Road, Atlanta.
Admission and parking are free and the event is open to the public. Over 30 exhibitors will be featured with information on Vinings-area businesses, restaurants and events. There will also be free food samples, door prizes, drawings and giveaways, including restaurant gift certificates and a cash bar. Association chair Glenn Christian said he expects 600 people or more to attend this year’s event.
“The Expo is an opportunity for Vinings area businesses to showcase their products and services to a different audience they probably have not had access to,” Christian said. “The Expo draws people from all over Cobb and the northwest side of Atlanta.”
Sponsors of the events include The Bright Side Newspaper, Hotel Indigo Atlanta Vinings, Marietta Signs, Fidelity Bank, High Calibre Realty, PC Doc USA, Fidelity National Title, AmFam Vinings, Edward Jones Co., and many others.
Exhibit tables are available for $125 for members and $195 for non-members, and all exhibitors must register and pay in full in advance, online only at  Exhibitor setup is from 3 to 3:45 pm on a first-come, first-served basis.
“Interested businesses, organizations or individuals can sign-up to be exhibitors as long as the link on the association’s website works (it will stop working once 30 have signed up),” Christian said.
Membership in the VBA begins at $95 for 12 months and can be set up online with a credit or debit card.

From the March 2017 issue of The Bright Side, Cobb County Georgia’s Newspaper covering Smyrna, Vinings, Mableton, Powder Springs and Austell, GA.

Smyrna Business Expo Is April 27

Smyrna area businesses and restaurants will show off their wares at The Smyrna Business Expo on April 27.

Exhibitors will set up in the Smyrna Community Center, 200 Village Green Drive, Smyrna, from 4 to 6:30 p.m.

“This is your chance to meet more than 200 local business owners, generate  business leads, close deals and enjoy great food,” said SBA President Jabar Dozier. “Join us for networking, building business relationships and meeting local entrepreneurs.”

The event is free and open to the public and door prizes will be awarded throughout the evening. All proceeds will support the Smyrna Business Association scholarship fund.

Exhibit tables are now on sale at Food sponsors are also being accepted.

The SBA works to engage, inform and grow businesses in the greater Smyrna community. On the first Thursday of each month the SBA host a luncheon featuring a guest speaker relevant to business improvement, government affairs or community involvement. Social and networking events are held throughout the month. For more information on membership visit

From the March 2017 issue of The Bright Side, Cobb County Georgia’s Newspaper covering Smyrna, Vinings, Mableton, Powder Springs and Austell, GA.

Want to be on the Calendar?

E-mail your organization’s calendar news to Our deadline is the 23rd of each month. Publication is the first week of each month. Send to

Calendar items are accepted from civic groups, non-profits, schools and church organizations and run as space is available. Due to the increasing number of calendar listings, please keep announcements brief. Do NOT send calendar announcements in flyer format. For more information about submitting calendar items or other news, contact us at 770-426-9388 or by e-mail to Find updated calendar items on our events below